THE Story of History
Have you noticed that the best selling movies aren't always the action movies? The action movies do sell, but even then, the action movies rise or fall with story line. The better the story, the more intriguing the plot and interaction with other characters, the better the movie. Marvel Movies. Lord of the Rings. Hobbit. Harry Potter. Narnia. Divergent. Hunger Games. The better the story, the better the movie.
I went through years of boring history classes. I can't remember most of what they taught, or even the faces or names of the teachers. Until...
College of the Desert. I still can't remember her name, but I remember her face. She was older and wiser, full of life and vigor. She'd traveled the world and back again. She said that learning history in terms of memorizing dates was worthless. She was going to teach us history by showing us the people of history, and how they impacted the world.
From that day forward, I became intrigued by history. History is nothing more than a story, unfolding before our eyes. There are small stories (individuals) intersecting with larger stories (groups, cities, countries, cultures, etc). Nations rise and fall. Kingdoms come and go. All the while, THE story is unfolding before us, with us, and after we're gone.
As we look to understand the prophetic, and where we are in God's calendar, we may benefit from understanding that story He is telling us. It's a story that runs through history like a silver line of thread through an otherwise ordinary tapestry.
Moed's - God Appointed Seasons/Times/Markers
Prophetic Clocks
Jewish Holidays are marked Moed's (Marked Time) for God's Calendar. Billye Brim writes about Moeds on this PDF. God has his own timetable and calendar. He established a civil calendar for the physical nation of Israel; and he established a spiritual calendar as highlighted by the seasons he established.
*At the bottom of the article (linked here) gives an interesting breakdown of the various Jewish Holidays in light of biblical prophecy.
The Hebrew Calendar is counted starting on Nisan.
The names of the months are:- Nisan - Spring
- Festival: Pesach (Passover - The Lamb Given)
- Lyyar - Spring
- Sivan - Spring
- Festival: Shavu'ot (Weeks - The Word & Spirit Given )
- Tammuz - Summer
- Av - Summer
- Elul - Summer
- Tishri - Fall
- Festival: Sukkot (Booths - Shedding temporary housing, for the eternal)
- Cheshvan - Fall
- Kislev - Fall
- Tevet - Winter
- Shevat - Winter
- Adar - Winter
Major Jewish Holidays
Judaism 101 provides a list of the major Jewish traditional holidays. The site also provides exact American Calendar days for these holidays in the current and coming years.
As I've been reading over the Jewish Holidays, and the Hebrew Calendar, I find God telling a story. Through His annual calendar, He is telling a story that spans earths history (past, present, and future).
This story is divided into two major sections. The story of Deliverance, and the story of the Future. I've included the approximate Modern Calendar month that corresponds to each Hebrew Calendar event. The symbol ( ~ ) means approximate.
Three Major Festivals (Pesach, Shavu'ot, Sukkot) divide the year in the Hebrew Calendar. Each holiday has it's own meaning and purpose, but these three are exclamation points on the calendar. Most holidays tie into one of these three.
The Story of Judgment and Deliverance - The Law (Fulfilled in the 1st coming of Jesus, and the giving of the HolySpirit).
- Tu B'Shevat (Tu=15. Lit. 15th of the month of Shevat. New Year for Trees - Lev. 19:23-25)
- ~ February
- One of four "new years" celebrations through out the year, not one as we have. This was meant as the new year for trees. It determines when we are allowed to eat fruit from the trees planted.
- Hm... This reminds me of two Trees mentioned in Genesis 2:9.
- Purim (Vote/Lots) (Deliverance from Extermination - Book of Esther 9:22)
- ~March
- The word Purim is translated "Lots" - As in casting lots. Like when you vote. If I vote for President X, I am casting my lot for that president. This was a season in which Esther had to choose to cast her vote with her people, the enemy cast his vote against them, the King was faced with the decision of casting his lot. God used Esther to persuade the King to cast his lot for Israel.
- Just as the Law casts its vote against mankind, Jesus's sacrifice persuades the Judge to cast his vote in our favor.
- Anywhere the people of God are persecuted, they can look to this story to find hope of deliverance.
- Pesach (The Passover Festival - Exodus 12:14-17)(Fulfilled in Jesus Death and Resurrection)
- ~April
- The BLOOD of the LAMB on the door caused Death to Passover the people of God. So today, the Blood of Jesus on my heart has passed me from Death to LIFE.
- In Israel, this remembers the time God used the Passover to bring them out of Egypt.
- In the Church, this remembers the time God use the Passover to bring us our of Sin (spiritual Egypt).
- Lag B'Omer ( Counting of Days from Pesach to Shavu'ot - Lev 23:15-16 & Deut 16:9-10)
- ~May
- There are 50 days between Pesach and Shavu'ot. This period of 49 days between, landing on the 50th day "Shavu'ot".
- Intended to remind us of the link between Pesach (Exodus from Egypt) and Shavu'ot (the giving of the Torah). It reminds us that the redemption from slavery (getting Born Again) was not complete until we received the Word of God.
- Shavu'ot (Festival of Weeks) (Giving of the Torah - Leviticus 21:15-16)(Fulfilled in the giving of The Spirit)
- ~May
- The Word and the Spirit
- 2nd of Three Major Festivals Pesach, Shavu'ot, Sukkot.
- This day remembers that God came to give his people his written Word.
- This is the time of giving the Torah, not receiving. This is because we are constantly receiving the Word of God, but this remembers the day it was given.
- The book of Ruth is read at this time, to remind us of our Kinsman Redeemer.
- PENTECOST literally means 50th. The Christian day of Pentecost, was the first day of Shavu'ot.
- In fact, if you count the time from Jesus' death (on Passover) to the day we the HolySpirit was given it was 50 days. The HolySpirit was given on the same day in history that the Word of God was given. Tying forever together our need for the Word and the Spirit.
- For the math geeks:
- Jesus died on Passover
- Acts 1:3, after his suffering he showed himself to his disciples for a period of 40 days. Then they went to a room and prayed for 10 days.
- When the 50th day from Passover came, the HolySpirit came.
- Tisha B'Av (Day or Mourning - 9th of Av - Various Citings)
- ~July
- Five misfortunes befell our fathers ... on the ninth of Av. ...On the ninth of Av it was decreed that our fathers should not enter the [Promised] Land, the Temple was destroyed the first and second time, Bethar was captured and the city [Jerusalem] was ploughed up. -Mishnah Ta'anit 4:6
- This is a day of mourning to commemorate the many tragedies that have befallen the Jewish people, both ancient and modern. On this day in 1492 the Jews were expelled from Spain, and in 1290 they were expelled from England.
- It reminds us that God's people will always be persecuted, as long as we live in this fallen world, awaiting our final redemption. It also reminds us that He is our constant deliverer.
The Story of the Future: NEW & BETTER (Fulfilled in the Rapture of the Church, followed by the return of Jesus).
- Rosh Hashanah (New Year - Leviticus 16:24)
- ~ September
- This is meant to be a serious time of reflection. Not a party like the American new year. This is a time where life is reflected on, and vows are made.
- "Biblical: Yom Ha-Zikkaron (the day of remembrance). The Shofar is a ram's horn, which is blown like a trumpet. A total of 100 notes are sounded each day. There are four different types of shofar notes: tekiah, a 3 second sustained note; shevarim, three 1-second notes rising in tone, teruah, a series of short, staccato notes extending over a period of about 3 seconds; and tekiah gedolah (literally, "big tekiah"), the final blast in a set, which lasts (I think) 10 seconds minimum. Click the shofar above to hear an approximation of the sound of Tekiah Shevarim-Teruah Tekiah. The Bible gives no specific reason for this practice. One that has been suggested is that the shofar's sound is a call to repentance. The shofar is not blown if the holiday falls on Shabbat."
- Hm.... where have I heard something about the last trumpet? (1 Cor 15:52)
- Judaism has several different "new years," a concept which may seem strange at first, but think of it this way: the American "new year" starts in January, but the new "school year" starts in September, and many businesses have "fiscal years" that start at various times of the year.
- In Judaism,
- Nissan 1 is the new year for the purpose of counting the reign of kings and months on the calendar,
- Elul 1 (in August) is the new year for the tithing of animals,
- Shevat 15 (in February) is the new year for trees (determining when first fruits can be eaten, etc.), and
- Tishri 1 (Rosh Hashanah) is the new year for years (when we increase the year number. Sabbatical and Jubilee years begin at this time).
- Yom Kippur (Day of Atonement - Leviticus 16:29-30)
- ~ October
- Considered the most important holiday of the Jewish Year. This is the last appeal, last chance, to change the judgment against you. It is customary to fast, and wear white to symbolize purity.
- The last opportunity to evaluate your stance before God before you face the final Judgment.
- Hm.... What period of time does this sound like?
- Sukkot (Booths) (7 Day Festival of Booths - Leviticus 23:34)
- ~ October
- This takes place on the fifth day after Yom Kippur (the most solemn day of the year), and it in contrast the most unreservedly joyful days of the year. Commonly known as the season of rejoicing. This is meant to celebrate the time that Israel left a life wandering through the desert, and found their permanent home.
- The Promise Home - No more temporary living. No more "some day", because "some day" has arrived.
- Hm... What period of time does this sound like?
Also joined to, but separate from Sukkot:
- Shemini Atzeret ( Assembly of the 8th Day - Leviticus 23:34)
- ~ October
- The idea is that our host (God) enjoyed us being with him so much during Sukkot, he asked us to stay another day. It's like... the after party!
- New Heaven and New Earth?
- Simchat Torah (Rejoicing in the Torah {Word of God} - Leviticus 23:34)
- ~ October
- Marks the completion of the annual cycle. We read the last of the Word of God, and then the Beginning of the Word of God to remind us that His Word is like a circle, never ending cycle.
- ALL things are restored to their rightful place, and original intent.
Extra Biblical Holiday
- Chanukkah (Re-dedication of the Temple - Not Established in the bible)
- ~ December
- Re-dedication of the Temple - One days oil, lasted eight days. A remembrance of God's provision for his people.
- But a good reminder that God is our provider!
The AGES of the Prophetic
As I read it, these various traditions are marked into an Old Testament, New Testament type structure. Maybe we could say that God's His-story of earth is divided into four Acts. Because the nation of Israel was created in Act 2, only Acts 2-4 are represented in the Jewish Holidays.
- Act 1 - Age of Sin (OT)
- Pre-Israel/Pre-Moses: All that came before Israel is Act 1.
- From Adam, to Noah, to Abraham, to Moses.
- We see a similar type of break down in Matthew 1, Abraham-David-Babylon-Messiah.
- Act 2 - Age of Law (OT)
- Ancient Israel
- From Moses to just before Jesus
- Act 3 - Age of Grace (NT)
- Church Age
- From Jesus' 1st coming to Jesus' 2nd Coming
- Act 4 - Age of Redemption (NT)
- The NEW Age
- The 1,000 year Literal Physical Reign of Jesus as King of Planet Earth
- End of Story:
- New Story Begins
- New heaven and new earth.
Three Festivals - God's GAME Time - Think Football
There are three major week long festivals in Hebrew-Biblical Jewish tradition. Pesach, Shavu'ot, and Sukkot. Together, they tell a story of God's redemptive plan for a nation (physical Israel) and a people (spiritual Israel -which includes all His people).
In the same way, God's calendar (His-story), it broken up into specific clocks that start and stop as events occur. Do not think of God's prophetic clock as something that started with Adam and kept running; rather, as a game clock.
God's Plan is broken up into four quarters as well. The first quarter was Pre-Israel, so the remaining three quarters were built into his celebration events with Israel.
Act 1 - Age of Sin (OT) Festival Zero - Sin Came
- Adam to Abraham - Pre-Israel
- God covers mankind during this period through sacrifices and the shedding of blood. God shed an animals blood to cover Adam, and Abraham was already well versed in sacrifices. Abraham brought a sacrifice to Melchizedek, and later was willing to sacrifice Issac.
Act 2 - Age of Law (OT) Festival One - Deals with the effect of Sin
- Pesach (Passover - The Lamb Given and Received) - Fully Fulfilled
- The Passover Lamb
- God establishes Israel, to deal with sin corporately, and provide a temporary solution to sin.
- Jesus Came - Putting an end to the effects of Sin.
Act 3 - Age of Grace (NT) Festival Two - Deals with the causes of Sin
- Shavu'ot (Weeks - The Word & Spirit) - 2/3 Fulfilled
- Shavu'ot is the fulfillment of our redemption. We are delivered from Egypt (sin), but what are delivered to?
- The Word Given - Deals with the Mind, redeemed by the Word.
- The HolySpirit Given - Deals with the Heart, redeemed by the Spirit.
- The Resurrection - Deals with the Body; the last is yet to be redeemed.
Act 4 - Age of Redemption (NT) Festival Three - Puts an end to Sin, once and for all.
- Rosh Hashanah - Last Trumpet - (Not Fulfilled)
- At the trumpet of God: the dead in Christ shall rise, we who remain will be caught up with them in the clouds. Just like Jesus left into the clouds, we will too. (1 Thess 4:16)
- The Last Trumpet, marks the start of a new time of seriousness and reflectivity.
- A 7 year period of time?
- Yom Kipur - Last Chance - (Not Fulfilled)
- The last opportunity to evaluate your stance before God before you face the final Judgment.
- Daniel 9 speaks of 70-sevens to atone for wickedness, and put an end to sin. We know there is one seven left un-accounted for. Yom Kipur is the start of the last chance, the last Day of Atonement before the Messiah returns. Jesus is the Messiah.
- Messiah and Christ mean Anointed.
- Jesus Christ is Jesus THE Anointed One, who was cut off, ending a period of 69 "sevens", leaving one yet to come.
- Daniel 9:24-27 "Seventy 'sevens' are decreed for your people and your holy city to finish transgression, to put an end to sin, to atone for wickedness, to bring in everlasting righteousness, to seal up vision and prophecy and to anoint the most holy. 25 "Know and understand this: From the issuing of the decree to restore and rebuild Jerusalem until the Anointed One, the ruler, comes, there will be seven 'sevens,' and sixty-two 'sevens.' It will be rebuilt with streets and a trench, but in times of trouble.
- 7+62=69; leaving one 7
- 26 After the sixty-two 'sevens,' the Anointed One will be cut off and will have nothing. The people of the ruler who will come will destroy the city and the sanctuary.
- The end will come like a flood: War will continue until the end, and desolations have been decreed. 27 He will confirm a covenant with many for one 'seven.' In the middle of the 'seven' he will put an end to sacrifice and offering. And on a wing [of the temple] he will set up an abomination that causes desolation, until the end that is decreed is poured out on him. "
- Sukkot (Booths - Shedding temporary housing, for the eternal) - New Beginning - (Not Fulfilled)
- The NEW: We are no longer wanderers, temporary residents in a foreign land. We are able to shed our tents and take up permanent residence.
- No longer ambassadors of Jesus in a dark world, now we are co-heirs. We are reigning with Him.
- This could refer to when we get our new bodies, but I think it refers to the end of Satan's rule, and the start of the Messiahs' 1,000 year reign on this earth.
Post Movie Credits
Just as in the best Marvel movies, the end is followed by a hint of another movie yet to come. So God built a teaser into His Calendar, to remind us that this movie/story is only the first in a never ending series.
- Shemini Atzeret ( Assembly of the 8th Day - Leviticus 23:34)
- God's Afterparty! New Heaven and New Earth
- Simchat Torah (Rejoicing in the Torah {Word of God} - Leviticus 23:34
- NEW Cycle - All things come full circle to their intended purpose. The end is really the beginning He intended all along.
Thanks for studying with me.
By DarrellWolfe
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